over the past several months, i have discovered that one of my favorite ways to feel peace and love from my heavenly father is to listen to // read // watch general conference talks, byu devotional speeches, etc.
not to brag, but i have found quite a few REALLY good ones!
so this post is just a compilation of the ones that i have really really loved in the past few months.
if you're interested, i also recently started trying to share a talk or speech on my instagram story every sunday and have them saved to a highlight on my instagram profile! so there's that too (:
challenges: but for a small moment, byu speech, neal a. maxwell
the faith to do his will, byu speech, beth luthy
the will of god, lds church video, d. todd christofferson
your infinite worth and god's infinite love, young adult devotional, jennifer kearon
forget me not, general conference, dieter f. uchtdorf
none were with him, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
his grace is sufficient, byu speech, brad wilcox
cast not away therefore your confidence, byu speech, jeffrey r. holland
learning the healer's art, byu speech, elaine s. marshall
come unto me, byu speech, jeffrey r. holland
wounded, general conference, neil l. anderson
strengthened by the atonement of jesus christ, general conference, dallin h. oaks
like a broken vessel, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
waiting upon the lord: thy will be done, general conference, robert d. hales
finding a safe harbor, general conference, joseph b. wirthlin
broken things to mend, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
the race, poem, anonymous (brings me to tears every time)
an high priest of good things to come, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
comfort and hope, collection of quotes from lds leaders
a message from a daddy, random but real good blogpost!
god shall wipe away all the tears, general conference, evan a. schmutz
we never walk alone, general conference, thomas s. monson
just climb up your ladder, poem from a blogpost, SO GOOD
believe, love, do, general conference, dieter f. uchtdorf
as you might be able to tell, i went through a pretty rough time.
seriously though, god loves his children. he loves and knows me (and YOU) individually.
he is there. i believe this with my whole heart!
& i promise i will try to update this list as i come across new talks in the future!
xoxo, linds