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friday favorites on a thursday

helllllo world!!!
if this blog ever actually gets published for the public to see. hahah tbd.
time for another round of my favorite things as of late!
including an explanation for the stack of books picture below.

1. in my last post, i talked about how i love my poppy choker from made by mary. i seriously wear it everyday and feel like it just goes with everything so well! soooo i did a thing and decided that i am going to order the bracelet that matches it. lol everything on that site is so dang cute!! good thing i have a lil bit of self control (but only a little) or else i'd be BROKE.
2. BOUT TO SAVE Y'ALLS BANK ACCOUNTS WITH THIS ONE! go and download the honey extension for your internet browser of choice. it's a coupon scanner that will pull up discount codes for literally so many stores. DO IT DO IT DO IT.
3. i just ordered this whitening kit to whiten my teeth with! i used a discount code that i found on instagram to get 15% off. it should be arriving in the mail tomorrow, so i will have to update on how i like them/how well they work!
4. my parents got me one of these water bottles while they were in switzerland last month! mine is light blue with daisies on it. so far i have been really liking it! it's supposed to be comparable to a hydroflask, but cheaper. 
5. i have been trying to get back into reading books instead of watching netflix before going to bed every night. i literally reserved 10 books through the byu library to read. hahah so to kick it off i have been reading this book about forming habits and this book to take me back to good old childhood mems. i forgot that i loveee getting absorbed into a good book. 
6. an app that i have been using lately for good workouts is this app! i don't have the premium membership (let's be real, the only thing worth paying premium for is spotify when you're a broke college student) but the free workouts have been really good so far! i am hoping to start a different gym program next week that my dad sent to me, but i definitely recommend this for starting/returning to gym & weight lifting workouts!
7. if you have not heard, this tv show started back up this week! (so did this one lol). i binge watched the first 3 seasons of it during finals week last december hahah and have been waiting SO LONG for the new season! it's gonna be SO GOOD! i love jack with my whole heart. GO AND WATCH IT NOW.
8. this song and this song have been on repeat the last few weeks. i didn't think i was really a fan of post malone, and i have been quickly put in my place. always been a lowkey fan of jon bellion though. 
9. a favorite conference talk of mine as of late is this one. the ideas of this talk have basically been the theme of this year for me. it has such an uplifting and hopeful message for everyone and anyone.
10. last thing.. for my birthday this year, i really want one of these. hahah i hate getting dressed right after getting out of the shower so i probably should have splurged long ago. i should probably get one of these again so that i don't have to walk around with a towel turban. 

andddd i think that's all for now folks. ciao!

friday favorites

so something that i think would be fun to do is a "friday favorites" post! 
pretty much like every other blogger ever ever. #cliche

but there must be a reason everyone does them!

i haven't decided if i'll do it once a week or once a month or just whenever i feel like it.
(or when i can think of enough favorite things to make a blog post and not just an instagram story lol)

enough talk though. here goes the first ever friday favorites, brought to you by linds!

  1. to kick it off, let's talk lotion. the coconut water and mimosa flower body lotion from love beauty and planet is amazing. i got mine at target for like $7?!  it smells SO GOOD. not sure how to explain it, just trust me. and i'm normally a big vanilla lotion smelling person, so this is big that i recommend it.
  2. TAYLOR SWIFT'S NEW ALBUM LOVER.  (yes i am that girl) my favorites so far are i forgot that you existed and paper rings. also lover (the song). i was doubting her after some of the singles she chose to release, but after listening to the album i am dead set on FINALLY going to one of her concerts! 
  3. the past couple weeks, i have been running in my hokas that my mom gave to me. i've ran in nikes basically since i existed, but these have converted me! i also wear them to work cause being on my feet 12 hours a day is NO JOKE. (i actually have the clifton 5. i also have to put in arch supports...can you say overpronation? also didn't realize how expensive they were and how lucky i was to get mine for free hahah)
  4. an app that i have been loving this summer is the life cycle app. i am obsessed! it's so fun to look at how i spend my time, day to day and week to week. you can pair it with the sleep cycle app that tracks sleep. i don't have a premium membership on either because i am trying to save every dollar for a pretty big purchase i'm in the next couple months, but i would love to get one someday!
  5. okay maybe i just missed the memo on this one, but one of my new favorite online shopping sites is now the ASOS outlet? shout out to my friend hailey for filling me in on this one. i got a new swimsuit top for $9! and if you're a student, you get a 10% discount AND free shipping! SCORE.
  6. speaking of online shopping, i have been loving the look of cropped wide leg jeans lately. i don't have a pair yet, but these ones from madewell are so so cute. i need to start donating plasma again so that i can afford them, but maybe i'll find a pair that's a little cheaper first 😂
  7. anddd back for another pair of shoes. (i have an obsession). platform sandals are the cutest and i will probably never stop wearing them, even if they go out of style. which they shouldn't ever, in my opinion. i ordered these ones off of an amazon partner site earlier this summer because they were actually cheaper on that site! so comfy and so cute. i wear them with E V E R Y T H I N G. 
  8. and another beauty product too. i have been using the nexxus shampoo and conditioner since december! as in, i have been using the same bottles since DECEMBER 2018 YALL. i got it from costco! i love love love it. depending on where you buy from, it can be a little more expensive, but i literally am just now getting to the bottom of the bottles and i wash my hair pretty much everyday. (haters gonna hate me on that. what can i do though). plus the fact that it lasted for reals EIGHT MONTHS?! i'm sold. obviously. hahah
  9. i have always been obsessed with simple jewelry and made the plunge to buy a necklace that i have been eyeing for awhile thanks to multiple instagram influencers (they have succeeded in influencing me). it's been my favorite piece of jewelry the last few months! again, a little expensive but it's handmade and sterling silver so it's worth every penny!
  10. and finally, a favorite quote from my pinterest scrolling this week!

i think that this really is the best way to go about living life. i have found that serving other people and trying to make their day a little brighter really will help you to feel more fulfilled and happier.

that wraps up my list of favorites this week!
adios until next time friends (:

a list of my very favorite talks, speeches, etc.

over the past several months, i have discovered that one of my favorite ways to feel peace and love from my heavenly father is to listen to // read // watch general conference talks, byu devotional speeches, etc. 

not to brag, but i have found quite a few REALLY good ones!
so this post is just a compilation of the ones that i have really really loved in the past few months.

if you're interested, i also recently started trying to share a talk or speech on my instagram story every sunday and have them saved to a highlight on my instagram profile! so there's that too (:

challenges: but for a small moment, byu speech, neal a. maxwell
the faith to do his will, byu speech, beth luthy
the will of god, lds church video, d. todd christofferson
your infinite worth and god's infinite love, young adult devotional, jennifer kearon
forget me not, general conference, dieter f. uchtdorf
none were with him, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
his grace is sufficient, byu speech, brad wilcox
cast not away therefore your confidence, byu speech, jeffrey r. holland
learning the healer's art, byu speech, elaine s. marshall
come unto me, byu speech, jeffrey r. holland
wounded, general conference, neil l. anderson
strengthened by the atonement of jesus christ, general conference, dallin h. oaks
like a broken vessel, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
waiting upon the lord: thy will be done, general conference, robert d. hales
finding a safe harbor, general conference, joseph b. wirthlin
broken things to mend, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
the race, poem, anonymous (brings me to tears every time)
an high priest of good things to come, general conference, jeffrey r. holland
comfort and hope, collection of quotes from lds leaders
a message from a daddy, random but real good blogpost!
god shall wipe away all the tears, general conference, evan a. schmutz
we never walk alone, general conference, thomas s. monson
just climb up your ladder, poem from a blogpost, SO GOOD
believe, love, do, general conference, dieter f. uchtdorf
mountains to climb, general conference, henry b. eyring

as you might be able to tell, i went through a pretty rough time. 
seriously though, god loves his children. he loves and knows me (and YOU) individually.
he is there. i believe this with my whole heart!

& i promise i will try to update this list as i come across new talks in the future!

xoxo, linds

year two (semester 1) at byu

this year was ANYTHING but what i expected.
i left home in august again having no idea what the school year would bring.

all my closest friends from my freshman year had left on missions over the summer, i was moving into a new apartment complex, and i had literally no clue who my new roommates were going to be.

so let's just start at the beginning!!
i moved into my new apartment and met my new roommates, who all immediately intimidated me because they were already friends. but i loved them right off the bat.

seriously, these girls blessed my life beyond belief this year and i am so grateful that i was placed in apartment 23 with these smart, beautiful, strong and loving girls.

school didn't start until tuesday, and so we knew we HAD to do something fun on that monday, our last day of freedom before the school. the problem??
what are the odds that SIX girls move into the same apartment and NONE of them have cars?!
so obviously we made some fast friends and somehow convinced them that it would be fun to drive 3 hours away to sand hollow state park and go cliff jumping.
so that is just what we did.

next up, first day of school!
i was officially a sophomore in college. WEIRD.

we had decided pretty early on that we wanted to camp out for the BYU vs Utah football game because it was going to be the hardest game to get good seats at.
so my cute new roommate mynette and i slept in a parking lot all night long and then BYU lost the game and it wasn't really worth it to camp out, except for maybe the free ice cream(;

school started up and it was not going to be easy hahah so here's a picture of me doing what i do best...school...

i literally laugh so hard every time i see this picture because it's me doing homework at a freaking birthday party like WHAT the HECK lindsey but hey, gotta do what ya gotta do i guess hahah

took a couple of temple trips with my roomie daniela(((:

took a quick little trip to lava hot springs with daniela and mynette.
seriously, such a cute little town!!

& then drove straight back to tooele to go to the lantern festival with ellie and sophia!!

back at it with the studying. seriously, anatomy was one of the hardest but most rewarding classes i have ever and probably will ever take at BYU. i loved every minute of it.

more football games, this time with cute mynette again and SAVANNAH from back home in washington!! they are the cutest people and i love them both so much!!!

drove up the canyon during the fall for the first time ever a couple times!!

went on a TON hikes in the dark, late at night....not the smartest maybe, but still the most fun.

ran a 5k for extra credit in anatomy with my favorite roommate ellie! extra credit in anatomy makes you do the weirdest things, but at least i like running still(;

next up, my TWENTIETH birthday!!
my roommates are the very best and got me the only thing i wanted: golden balloons for my golden birthday!!

went to corn belly's which has the WORST corn maze ever, but it's still a good time

daniela opened her mission call which was the saddest and happiest day ever!! brazil is lucky to have her even though i'm sad she's gone now.

watched our friend's intramural soccer team a couple times!

did some facemasks that made us look like aliens hahah and also made it so that daniela and alyson couldn't smile apparently...

somehow survived 7 am anatomy lab with my girl ellie!! & sophia took it too, we just never took a picture//:

went disco skating a couple times!!! my favorite thing to do honestly

went on some more hikes((:

reunited with my best friend hailey after over 2.5 years apart!!

surprised my family and friends at thanksgiving!! seriously, one of the highlights of my entire life.

& then headed back to utah to take some finals and help ellie, sophia, and daniela move out of apartment 23 to get ready to leave on their missions///:

i love these girls so much and am so grateful for everything i have learned this semester! bring on winter 2018!!!

twenty things for twenty years

woah. hold up.


i don't like the idea of not being a teenager anymore. in my head, i'm still 17. 
maybe someday my brain will catch up with my life hahah

last year on my birthday i made a list in my notes on my phone of 19 things i had learned in 19 years of living. i thought it would be kind of fun to do the same thing this year, but actually put it somewhere where someone might read it someday!
so, here is my list, made while listening to niall horan's new album that he so lovingly released on my birthday!!! and might i just say that it is a dang good album so far. shout out to you, niall!!!

1. don't say no to adventures when you're undecided if you should say yes or no!!!
some of my best memories this year were from deciding that it was okay to go do fun things, even if i didn't really feel like i had the time to (spoiler: i had time.)

2. grey's anatomy may just be the best show ever. and most addicting hahah i watched all 13 seasons that were on netflix in 5 months...oops.

3. when people tell you that your crush on harry styles is just a phase, they are WRONG.

4. get outside and enjoy nature as much as possible!! this world is SO beautiful and it's all there for us to enjoy!

5. mount rainier will forever and ever and ever be my favorite place in the world. i kinda already knew that but i can't help but love it more and more every time i visit.

6. the red rocks in southern utah are seriously the most beautiful thing?! I AM OBSESSED!!

7. people will surprise you, both in good ways and bad ways.

8. always be nice and friendly to everyone. 

9. work hard at what you are doing.

10. be passionate about your life. (!!!!)

11. seriously, nothing beats spending time with your family. parents and siblings are so so amazing and it's a blessing to have such good examples and friends in my life!

12. time goes by really flippin' fast so live in the moment and enjoy everything that life throws at you

13. lemon poppyseed ice cream from baskin robbins is the bomb.com
(and so is the marionberry lemonade from MOD)

14. stargazing and sunset chasing are two of the greatest pastimes. 

15. grandparents are so cool!!! and they love you so much!!! always go and watch a movie with your grandma when she invites you to!!

16. sometimes you just need to take a nap, read an old favorite book, or watch a movie that you love. 
other times, you need to go on an run or have a good cry. all those things are so so good for you!

17. at the most random times, heavenly father will introduce you to the exact people that you need in your life. and if that's not the coolest thing ever, than i don't know what is.

18. sometimes, things just don't go the way that you planned. and that is way more than okay!!

19. you need to treat yourself sometimes! buy that cute pair of jeans or that bouquet of flowers for yourself, cause you deserve it!

20. life can seriously just be the best. all the opportunities that present themselves and the things that happen and people you meet all have a purpose, whether you know what it is right now or if you won't find out till the future.

so there it is!! the things i have learned after 20 years on this earth. kinda crazy that i'm entering a new decade of my life, but hey i have i feeling my 20s will be the best years yet!

oh, and PSA: niall's album is still really good, 9 songs later.